The Branded Landlord, Part Three: How to Share Your Brand
You’ve got a brand, but now where and how do you spread that story to attract the tenants you want? MORE
You’ve got a brand, but now where and how do you spread that story to attract the tenants you want? MORE
Three simple steps that will totally set you apart from other landlords, so you can find and keep the best tenants. MORE
Veteran landlord Nina Pak-Lui has a relaxed style when it comes to being a landlord. Her main focus? Trusting her gut and being smart about her costs. MORE
Attract better tenants and get more rent by defining what makes your property special. MORE
Timing is everything So you’ve taken the best photos and made the perfect rental ad for your property. Now it’s time to share the ad on a listing site, but when is the best time to post it? Weekends – A study tracked 800,000 Craigslist ads and showed that the most viewed ads were posted on Sundays, followed closely […] MORE
You’ve just created a professional ad using Pendo’s free rental listing website and already you have appointments set up with great potential tenants. But now the big question is…. Is your rental home ready for a showing? First impressions matter and you only get one chance to make a good one on prospective tenants. That’s why it’s important […] MORE
4 Ways to Stand Out in a Crowded Field of Rental Listings You can be posting a listing for your rental property in all the right places, and still come up empty when it comes to finding a good tenant. How? You may not be showing off your property’s best assets. Poorly lit photos, boring […] MORE
In a competitive rental market, a little time spent polishing your rental listing can go a long way in attracting potential tenants. Following on our post on ways to better advertise your property, we dive a little deeper into the specific elements that make for the perfect rental ad. Attractive Headline or Listing Title A […] MORE
Every landlord starts somewhere. We have prepared some simple tips for first-time landlords to get your rental homes ready for your first tenant(s)! Tip #1 Clean it up! Photo Credit: ntr23 via Compfight cc Nobody wants to live in someone else’s filth and germs. A clean property will be more appealing to prospective tenants and helps set the expectations that you […] MORE