Pendo Support
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Owner PendoPay FAQ
Hello there! Property Management companies all over Canada have chosen the Pendo platform to manage their rental properties.
The Pendo platform is used by the Property Management to manage their portfolio and in this case they have chosen to use our rental collection system, PendoPay to process rental payments.
Before you get started, let us introduce ourselves…
Who is Pendo?
Pendo Rental is a software product owned and run by Kwok Technologies Inc.
Where are you located?
Our Headquarters is located in Vancouver, BC Canada. Our mailing address is #720 – 999 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K5
Do I have to pay to use Pendo Rent?
No, the subscription cost is charged directly to the Property Management Company.
Does PendoPay cost me anything?
Pendo does not charge your account for any fees however your Property Management may speak to you about reimbursement for rental related costs.
What do I need to get set up on PendoPay?
- An email address to receive the set up invitation to complete the paperwork online
- A digital copy of a void cheque or direct deposit form
How do I get set up on PendoPay?
You will receive an email invitation to provide us with your banking information and agree to our terms of service. Please ensure that you enter all bank account information correctly and double check numbers.
Add [email protected] to your Safe Senders list in your email program so important emails from Pendo arrive safely in your Inbox. Don’t forget to check your junk folder if you don’t receive emails from Pendo.
How does PendoPay work?
In order to deposit funds into your account, bank account information needs to be inputted into Pendo. Your Property Management Company will send an invitation via email for you to set up your banking information directly into PendoPay. The banking details you provide are not passed along to your landlord as you have entered them. Only redacted (partial) bank account numbers are displayed in the Pendo account under your owner information.
I didn’t get the invitation to PendoPay, what do I do?
Please check your junk folder. The email will be coming from [email protected].
How does PendoPay transfer funds?
Pendo uses Bank of Montreal as our payment processor. Once the set up is complete in PendoPay for all parties, our system will process the rental transaction. The transactions are approved through our system and the tenants bank receives an encrypted file stating that the funds can be withdrawn from the tenants bank account.
The funds are then processed (up to seven (7) business days) and sent to a Pendo trust account. Once the funds are successfully deposited, our system sends out another encrypted file to our bank to request the funds to be withdrawn and transferred directly into the Property Management Company’s bank account (for their management fee) and if not applicable, directly to your your bank account within seven (7) days of the payment date. You will see a line item on your bank statement from KWOK TECH – PENDOPAY or simply PENDOPAY for the deposit. Payment processing is completed by the bank and Pendo has no control over the timeline or any delays outside of our software system.
I am switching banks. How do I update my information?
Please contact your Property Management Company with the new bank account information and they can send you a mew link via email for you to update your bank account details in our system.
What type of security does Pendo use to protect the transferring of funds?
Pendo uses bank grade encryption and has insurance to cover fraudulent transactions.
Where can I read more about your terms of service and privacy policy?
You can view these documents on our website under Legal.
Is there someone I can reach out to if I have more questions?
Yes, please send us an email – [email protected].